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This tutorial targets developers intending to integrate their applications with QVANTUM via the QVANTUM Public API. With completion of this tutorial, readers will be able to use the QVANTUM Public API to prepare a QVANTUM plan, update data and metadata of a plan and export data collected with a plan in QVANTUM.


This tutorial is organized in the following topics:

  1. Getting a Tenant: request tenant
  2. General Information: general information about the structure of the API and how to access it
  3. Planning Models: upload, update and export of models
  4. Key Figures: upload, update and export of key figures (formulas)
  5. Handling Cell Data: uploading, deleting and exporting cell data
  6. Define Team: inviting an initial team an updating it
  7. Managing Folders and Forms: import and export folders and forms


For most relevant use cases, this tutorial documents the interaction with the QVANTUM Public API using the wide-spread tool curl, thus allowing developers with access to a valid QVANTUM tenant context to follow along and prototype their integration. For each QVANTUM Public API call, this tutorial provides an executable curl command line and a description of the most relevant details of request and response payloads.

Sample Data

All examples in this tutorial are based on the same, close-to-minimal sample data set. The tutorial sample data set is available for download below.

Download Tutorial Sample Data Set

It includes the following content:

  • csv/metadata: CSV files representing a valid planning model and team definition
  • csv/metadata-upload: CSV files for updating the planning model
  • csv/data: CSV files containing valid cube cell data sets
  • json: JSON files for forms and key figures import
  • scripts: set of simple bash scripts for the demonstration of typical tasks


The scripts included in this tutorial are exclusively designed for demonstrational purposes. They are not suited for productive use, as they omit important aspects such as error handling or proper handling of authentication information.


If you have questions, comments, etc. please email us at