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Key Figures

As described in the section about key figure formulas, one of the main differences of key figure structures compared to other structures is the definition of formulas. To be able to support more complex formula systems, the definition of formulas will be separated from the model definition. This section describes the separate initial upload, update and export of these key figure formulas.


Key figures uploads and exports have the same structure and are specified in JSON.

  "rootCubeSegment": {
    "formulas": [
    "segmentation": <SEGMENTATION_DEFINITION>

On the top level, the definition includes the rootCubeSegment property with the following nested properties:

  • formulas: Contains the formulas defined for the root cube segment. Key figures not present in formulas have no formula. The property is not optional but it may be empty. The order of the entries is not relevant.
  • segmentation: a division of the root segment into smaller segments along a dimension. This property is optional.

Key Figure Formulas Definition

One KEY_FIGURE_FORMULAS_DEFINITION defines the two formulas to be used for a single key figure.

  "keyFigureReference": {
    "businessKey": "CST010P"
  "formulaForLeavesInAllOtherDimensions": <FORMULA_DEFINITION>,
  "formulaForInnerNodeInAtLeastOneOtherDimension": <FORMULA_DEFINITION>

All properties must always be present.

  • keyFigureReference.businessKey: the business key of the key figure for which the formulas are given
  • formulaForLeavesInAllOtherDimensions: the formula to use for calculations of cells where the elements in all other dimensions are leaves in their hierarchy. This is the equivalent of the formula column in the key figure structure definition (cf. key figure formulas).
  • formulaForInnerNodeInAtLeastOneOtherDimension: the formula to use for calculations of cells where at least one element in another dimension is an inner node in its hierarchy. This is the equivalent of the formulaForInnerNodes column in the key figure structure definition (cf. key figure formulas).

Formula Definition

There are three possible definitions for a formula.

  "type": "NONE"

If the formula should not be calculated, only the type property must be present and set to NONE.

  "type": "DEFINED",
  "formula": "[CST010]/[CST000]*100"

If the formula should be calculated, the type property must be set to DEFINED and the formula property must contain a non-blank formula string. This formula string can use the same constructs as previously shown for the key figure structure definition.

  "type": "INHERITED"

If the formula definition of the parent segment should be used, only the type property must be present with a value of INHERITED. This is not allowed in the root cube segment, since it has no parent segment.

Segmentation Definition

A SEGMENTATION_DEFINITION defines how a cube segment is further divided into multiple child segments.

  "dimensionReference": {
    "pluralName": "Cost Centers"
  "children": [

All properties must always be present:

  • dimensionReference: a reference (by plural name) to the dimension along which the "parent" segment is divided into smaller segments. May not reference the key figure or time dimension.
  • children: an ordered list of child segments, each responsible for some trees in the dimension. May be empty.
  • remainder: a non-optional segment for all elements whose roots were not explicitly included in any of the child segments.

Child Cube Segment

A CHILD_CUBE_SEGMENT_DEFINITION defines a cube segment for some trees in a dimension.

  "structureElementReferences": [
      "businessKey": "CCT000"
  "displayName": "a descriptive display name",
  "formulas": [

All properties are required

  • structureElementReferences: references (by business key) to roots of the segmented dimension. All elements inside the trees under the roots are in this segment. May be empty.
  • displayName: a descriptive name for the segment to be displayed in the application
  • formulas: the formulas for this segment. Key figures which are not listed will behave as if they have the type INHERITED for both formulas.
  • segmentation: a further segmentation of this child segment according to a different dimension

Remainder Cube Segment

A REMAINDER_CUBE_SEGMENT_DEFINITION defines a cube segment for all elements in a dimension that were not explicitly assigned to other child cube segments.

  "displayName": "a descriptive display name",
  "formulas": [

The properties are the same as in the child cube segment, except for the missing structureElementReferences property since the structure elements in the remainder are implicitly defined by the other child cube segments in the segmentation.


A key figures upload works similar to an asynchronous model upload. However, for the key figures uploads, we do not employ multipart uploads, but rather use the content type application/ to upload a single file. New uploads can be created at the keyFiguresUploads link in the cube resource (cf. navigating to a cube).

curl -i -X POST \
  -H "Authorization:Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
  -H "Content-Type:application/" \
  -d @/absolute/path/to/key-figures.json \

The response contains a URL in the Location header. This URL can be used for status polling.


A full interaction path with the QVANTUM public API regarding key figures is demonstrated in the script in our sample data set.


An export of the current key figures is available at the endpoint specified by the keyFigures link in the cube resource (cf. navigating to a cube).

curl -s -X GET \
  -H "Authorization:Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
  -H "Accept:application/" \


A full interaction path with the QVANTUM public API regarding key figures is demonstrated in the script in our sample data set.